We just installed a new Holley carburetor, new plugs and wires, new fuel filter, AC Delco gold starter, AC Delco battery, new valve cover gaskets, oil changed, new floor mats, new dash pad, new handles exterior and interior, and we installed a new engine harness as well as forward light harness. Very time consuming job, but so worth it to have clean wiring with good connections!! There were other things done as well, ask and I can show you receipts. This was purchased at Mecum in 2022 and took 2 years to finish. "> 1972 Chevrolet Corvette - Auto Search & Sales

Auto Search & Sales

6209 Causeway Blvd : Tampa FL 33619

Phone: (813)539-1410
Email: autosearchandsales@gmail.com

1972 Chevrolet Corvette



+ tax, tag, title fee(s)
Request more info:

(813) 539-1410


Stock #1352
MPG0.0 City / 0.0 Hwy


"Little Red Corvette...Baby You're Much Too Fast!" was the words Prince uttered, and when you walk up to this car, open the door with the obscure chromed out door handle, and slide behind the wheel of this sleek and sexy beast, you'll understand the sentiment of his words! 1972 is the last year of the dual chrome bumpers in the C3 Corvette. 1973 had no chrome front bumper and 1974 forward did not have any chrome bumpers. If you are in the market for a C3 Corvette, this is the right color to have. Red sports cars just feel more fun for some reason.

We just installed a new Holley carburetor, new plugs and wires, new fuel filter, AC Delco gold starter, AC Delco battery, new valve cover gaskets, oil changed, new floor mats, new dash pad, new handles exterior and interior, and we installed a new engine harness as well as forward light harness. Very time consuming job, but so worth it to have clean wiring with good connections!! There were other things done as well, ask and I can show you receipts. This was purchased at Mecum in 2022 and took 2 years to finish.


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